Our dream is that God will use the work and witness of our family of faith in order that those in our spheres of influence are transformed by the life that’s in Jesus.

This is the journey to which we believe God had called us.

Since 2018 that journey has taken us down the road of church revitalization. God has blessed us, therefore, we’ve affirmed the following:

  • A new Statement of Faith/What we Teach

  • A new Covenant of Membership

  • A Biblical approach to church leadership

As we trust God for future ministry, we’d love to have you come and visit us.  You’ll find we’re a family of faith that consists of common folks trying to live a life that is found in Jesus.



10 AM Hospitality Time | Where we enjoy a beverage and snack and share about life together

10:30 AM Worship Together | When we gather to focus on God and His Word so that our lives may be impacted


We have various life groups where we do life together for the purpose of becoming more like Christ

Contact us for time and locations!


We affirm that followers of Jesus are called to gather regularly. Our corporate worship catalyzes the foundation of who we are as followers of Jesus.  Our worship is a mix of contemporary and timeless songs and a practical message from God’s Word. It’s here where you have the freedom to respond to God’s presence among us.


We affirm that all followers of Jesus are called to grow in their relationship with Him and with others.  So, we have made it our aim to create different venues where everyone is encouraged to participate. It’s here is where we move out of the rows and get into circles.  It’s where we gather in comfortable spaces to talk about life, God and the intersection of the two.


We aren’t supposed to keep this discovery of life in Jesus to ourselves. So, we want to tangibly demonstrate the power of following Jesus to those in our community and throughout the world.  It’s here where we will constantly seek fresh and creative ways to engage with those who are far from God.